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From Leads to Revenue

Written by Zach Gilbert

Published: 07/21/2020

Just as other leads and sales management tools designed specifically for publishers do, we love to talk about how great MagHub is when it comes to managing and nurturing leads.

But we haven’t specifically told you how using MagHub can do so. In other words: how MagHub actually works.

That changes now.

The MagHub lead-to-sale process:

Someone fills out a webform on a landing page.

Someone who is on your website – perhaps interested in obtaining your rate card, or perhaps someone who has read a blog post, is impressed with the information you’ve provided there that they then are enticed about the free something you’ll give them; an eBook, a discount, a freebie, in exchange for their contact information. So impressed that they fill out a webform – which could be our GravityForms integration, or one of our other various forms through Zapier/APIs, and hit send.

MagHub then automatically sends them the freebie.

They get the freebie just about instantly because MagHub – via our Automation engine –  sends them an email with the free offer/rate card attached.

Meanwhile, that lead immediately is assigned to a sales representative, who receives instant notification of their new lead, including contact information and what there that lead came from.

The sales rep now can make calls, log emails, and even send text messages to their lead.

And this all is done in MagHub. The sales rep can make texts, emails, etc. either manually (one-at-a-time to a specific lead) or can send a series of automated marketing emails to all of their leads that help nurture the lead, growing and strengthening the relationship. Leads can even be separated into different marketing funnels so that they receive different emails, depending on where they are in the sales process. (Texts can be sent via MagHub’s integration with Twilio.) Another great feature about MagHub; sales reps can make calls from within the platform using their own headset, and calls will be logged and recorded in the contact’s record!

Sales reps can create sales forecasts, proposals and even orders in MagHub.

Our order management system makes this process easy: sales managers, members of the ad design team, content providers, and so on, can see orders (Including ad specifications, etc.) in MagHub and start working to create the ads and content. Sales managers can see the proposals and discuss details with the reps.

Meanwhile, sales managers and editors can look over sales forecasts to determine how much ad space to provide in a print publication. Finance managers and other executives can look over the sales forecasts to ascertain revenue and costs.

Once a contract is approved, the rep (or a manager) digitally signs/approves the order. A ticket is then created in the system for the project or item purchased.

This ticket can then be viewed by ad design team members, other reps, managers, etc. They are able to “watch the ticket” move through the ad creation process, editing it and approving it as needed. The finished product also can be sent to the client for approval.

The finance team (or the sales rep) collects payment for the order.

The sale!!! Once the payment has been accepted it’s recognized via MagHub’s QuickBooks integration. Doing so means the revenue can be matched with the cost of creating the ad/fulfilling the order, helping members of the executive and finance teams create cost and revenue reports automatically.

From leads, to revenue, to retention.

We all know the work doesn’t end once a lead becomes a sale.

It costs about five times as much to win a new client as it does to retain a current one. And MagHub can do a lot of the retention work for you – or at least make your retention efforts a lot easier. It can continue to send marketing emails, handle subscriber and client ad payments with ease, and handle customer service issues with aplomb.

Learn more about how MagHub can help your publishing enterprise move quite easily from leads to revenue.

Premier Guitar Case Study

Over the years, Premier Guitar has been an active user of MagHub, tuning their system with custom development projects to make the system their own. Learn about one of them today.

Never Stranded With MagHub

There loads of perks when using MagHub. Read our entertaining and quick whitepaper today to learn just a few of them!

Learn More About MagHub

Want to see MagHub in action? Or perhaps you just want more information. Whatever you you’re looking for, we’re here to help you. Click the button to request more information about MagHub, the only ERP for Media Publishers.

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