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How Will MagHub Increase My Advertising Sales?

Written by Zach Gilbert

Published: 01/06/2020

Great question! And the answer? Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency.

How so? The more efficient your sales team is in its sales efforts, the more sales you’ll have. The faster – more  efficiently – your salespeople can close advertisers, the faster they can go out to woo and close more. And repeat. Again and again.

Once the sale is made, your sales reps will simply wow your new advertisers with their ability to view your proposals, contracts, invoice graphics (their ads), ad schedules, and more in MagHub’s interface. They’ll be so impressed with the ease with which they can review proposals/contracts/ads, etc. and then pay your invoices quickly that they’ll become true fans and never want to leave.

Here Are Some of MagHub’s Features That Help You Answer “How Do I Increase My Advertising Sales?”

1) Ad sales management made very easy.

MagHub helps you manage all of you ad sales data in one spot, providing you with detailed sales and campaign results reports. Your sales team members can set group and individual goals and forecast possible results using past data. Sales managers can supervise their reps and delineate each one’s territory.

Sales reps can manage lead generation as well as their sales appointments and follow up tasks. Looking to ensure your sales team members up their game when it comes to time management/number of sales calls? MagHub will help!

2) Helping you with your marketing efforts.

Does your media enterprise use Twilio.com, MailChimp, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media and marketing tools? MagHub integrates with all of them, plus many more. As an all-in-one media publishing tool, our platform helps not only your sales team, but your marketing and editorial team members do their jobs and create a terrific and informative publication that attracts subscribers (and thereby getting your advertisers’ ads in front of potential customers).

We integrate with several marketing, invoicing/payment, social media, and additional operations tools to help all of your workers – even contractors/freelancers – do their work to the best of their abilities.

3) Attract and retain top contractors.

There’s little that sings to a freelancer more than a client that pays on time, every time. Add the fact that MagHub allows your contractors to put their banking information in the platform and give you their invoices there, and then – oh, then! – allows you to pay them directly into their bank accounts. Talk about “true fans.” You’ll become their BFF Best, 5-Star Client EVER and they’ll never want to let you down, always making sure they do their best for you.

Attract and keep the best-of-the-best and your publication will be created with the help and the top skills of these in-demand professionals, helping it become the publication in your  niche…and therefore attracting top advertisers to you, as well.

4) Attract larger publications with which you can engage in joint ventures.

Ah, joint ventures! They allow smaller publications to “piggy back” on the status, readers, subscribers, and advertisers of much larger media enterprises. Talk to a larger publication in your niche to see if you could approach their current advertisers to advertise in your publication (with a discount, of course), and allow them to approach your advertisers. Both of you thus increase your reach – and revenue. It’s a true win-win, and MagHub can help you manage all of the sales, as well as operations and production workflows.

Have we piqued your interest regarding how MagHub can increase your advertising sales? Good! Request more information about MagHub today.

Premier Guitar Case Study

Over the years, Premier Guitar has been an active user of MagHub, tuning their system with custom development projects to make the system their own. Learn about one of them today.

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Want to see MagHub in action? Or perhaps you just want more information. Whatever you you’re looking for, we’re here to help you. Click the button to request more information about MagHub, the only ERP for Media Publishers.

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