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Integration Focus: What is Google Ad Manager?

nails hammered incorrectly

Written by Zach Gilbert

Published: 05/20/2020

Do you remember Google’s DFP service? You might think you don’t, but you do: you might know it as DoubleClick instead.

Well, Google has changed things up again and DFP/DoubleClick is now known as…. Google Ad Manager.

In case you’ve never given Google Ads a shot, the Google Ad Manager acts as an “ad management platform for large publishers” (such as digital marketing agencies) so that they can run ads on multiple ad networks (such as Ad Sense, etc.) and even third-party networks.

MagHub has recently updated our integration with Google Ad Manager

This MagHub integration means your publishing enterprise can now easily use the incredible power of this advertising tool for your own ad ops, as it has joined the many other third-party tools with which our end-to-end media publishing solution integrates.

With our MagHub integration with Google Ad Manager you can:

– Have a centralized location where you can monetize all of your inventory (online magazine, websites, videos, even mobile apps.)
– Use third-party networks to vie for ad inventory.
– Take advantage of detailed results reports.
– Provide reports to your clients in their Client Center.

Benefits of using Google Ad Manager via MagHub at your publication

Working with Google ads can be…complicated. Your magazine might work with some advertisers directly, or you might already be using Google Ads or Yahoo Ads, or another online advertising vehicle altogether.

The beauty of Google Ad Manager is that you can manage your ads across multiple advertising networks while also enjoying exceptional reporting and targeting options.

Yet perhaps one of the absolute best benefit of the manager is how incredibly detailed it allows you to target your ads.

You can target ads by:

– Browser used, including different versions and even “unknown.”
– The device a user is using to access the Internet, whether it’s a smartphone, laptop, tablet, or even “connected” TV.
– The device’s operating system.
– The user’s location and/or language.
– The user’s mobile carrier or Internet provider.
– Custom key-values such as content metadata, audience and even system-defined criteria such as bandwidth.

Google Ad Manager is NOT Google Ad Sense

Often known as Google Ads, Ad Sense helps small-to-medium-sized advertisers monetize their actual websites while the Google Ad Manager allows you to monetize different platforms at the same time, such as a website, mobile ads, videos/games. As mentioned above, Google Ad Manager allows you to manage ads across several different ad networks.
(One important note: you can use Google Ads within the Google Ad Manager.)

Walking our users through Google Ad Manager

We’ve already rolled out the Google Ad Manager integration in our platform available for purchase to our current MagHub users. If you’d like to learn more, we have a terrific webinar we’d be happy to share with you.

MagHub now helps you manage your online advertising as well as your entire publishing enterprise

Now that we’ve updated our integration with Google Ad Manager, MagHub is even more of a one-stop publishing shop for your print or online magazines. From managing production, subscriptions, distribution, marketing, hiring/contractors, sales, and more, MagHub is pretty much the only tool you need to run your entire company. In fact, it’s the only CRM/ERP designed exclusively for publishers.

Are you curious about how can we help you operate your publishing efforts via one cloud-based software platform? Learn more.

Premier Guitar Case Study

Over the years, Premier Guitar has been an active user of MagHub, tuning their system with custom development projects to make the system their own. Learn about one of them today.

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