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MagHub Feature Spotlight: Ad Sales Management

nails hammered incorrectly

Written by Zach Gilbert

Published: 06/05/2019

MagHub is the most updated CRM/ERP Tool for Media Publishers of all sizes. Whether you manage B2B, B2C, or Niche publications, MagHub has all the tools needed to run every department of your business; from Sales to Production. Click Request Information to learn more today, or click One-Click Updates to follow MagHub.

Media publishing ad sales are hard enough to get; why go crazy managing them once you’ve closed them?

 As if we have to tell you all that’s involved in ad sales management, but here’s a short list from a far longer one that we’re sure you know all too well:

+ Managing ad sales data.

+ Sales and campaign results reports.

+ Goal setting and sales forecasting using past data.

+ Supervising sales representatives and defining their individual territories

+ Managing lead generation/sales appointments.

+ Helping ad sales reps increase their efficiencies, sales calls and time management.

+ Defining your sales process itself in order to improve conversions, shorten the sales cycle and close more sales.

+ And more. Much. More!

In fact, why not streamline sales AND sales management practices?

Take a look below on how MagHub will help you streamline your entire sales process. Bookmark this post for future reference.

Ad Sales Management

How many times have you lost a sale due to a lack of defined procedures and processes? Probably too many than you’d care to admit (just like us, pre-MagHub). Our ad sales management feature helps you create a funnel that energizes your reps and managers to keep moving their prospects toward becoming clients.

Just a handful of this MagHub tool’s features:

+ Make to-do lists for all internal players based on different levels of priority.

+ Create email campaigns with Constant Contact or MailChimp.

+ Our platform’s dashboard widgets help reps and admins create reports and next-activities lists quickly.

+ One of our faves: you can create detailed forecasts quickly using stored customer, sales and prospect data.

+ Once a sale is made your admin or sales rep can quickly make orders for ads or service/administrative items.

Sales Order Management

Your sales rep is this close to closing a deal and now she can quickly create proposals that conform to your rate cards. She also can create an order (once the sale is made) pretty much with the “pushing” of a few tabs in our CRM platform.

What’s more, your clients will be able to approve their orders online with digital signatures. Ad sales order management was never so easy!

Just some of this MagHub tool’s features:

+ It may be a platform you didn’t design, but you can easily customize rate cards and print/digital ads specifically tailored to your magazine.

+ Ditto for your order and email templates.

+ Invoice clients/advertisers and process their payments all online.

+ Create proposals that are interactive. Your team members can work together to add and subtract items on ad sales proposals.

+ Send job order work requests via an internal ticketing system.

When you make your advertising sales management process more efficient, you make it far easier for your media publishing enterprise to become a high-performing sales organization. Want proof? Half of high-performing sales organizations have sales processes that are – among other things – “automated.”

We hope we’ve piqued your interest in our MagHub ERP. If so, call us at 844-696-2448 or 734-997-9500. You also – of course! – can contact us any time online.

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