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Thirty Second Thursdays – Go Go Gadgets… and Integrations

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Written by Zach Gilbert

Published: 06/06/2019

MagHub is the most updated CRM/ERP Tool for Media Publishers of all sizes. Whether you manage B2B, B2C, or Niche publications, MagHub has all the tools needed to run every department of your business; from Sales to Production. Click Request Information to learn more today, or click One-Click Updates to follow MagHub.

Thirty Second Thursdays – Go Go Gadgets… and Integrations

By: Michelle Bucci, Support Analyst

When on-boarding clients, I usually recommend that MagHub users integrate MagHub with their existing calendars (Google or Outlook), to track and schedule their appointments from within MagHub. I also recommend in using MagHub’s Gadgets to track things quickly from the user’s dashboard upon logging in. Gadgets can make it easy for your reps to verify that ad spaces and positions are available, before talking to clients and making that sale. The last thing I recommend is if MagHub users need to track anything specific from previous platforms or processes that they utilize Dynamic Attributes. With Dynamic Attributes you can tie customized fields to contacts, companies and use them on items on orders, those Dynamic Attributes can also show up in reports as well.

Inspector Gadget would be proud of the gadgets, tools, and integrations that MagHub offers its clients. Most publishers are astounded by the many departments/tasks that can benefit from MagHub. You might have came to us for an Ad Sales Management platform, but in the end you could be managing your subscriptions, e-commerce, marketing, production and more with MagHub. Want to learn more about MagHub? Click here to schedule some time with our Account Executives. Or, if you are a MagHub user and have a helpful tip, feel free to share it below.

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