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Using MagHub to Manage Ad Sales

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Written by Zach Gilbert

Published: 09/18/2018

Built in the roots of MagHub, is a digital cloud-based tool that magazine advertisers need to manage their magazine advertising. Whether you are selling ½ page ads in your print publication, or selling digital advertisements on your website, MagHub excels at delivering a quality product that will assist your account managers in closing deals and increasing revenue for your publication.

With MagHub, your account managers have all of the tools necessary to manage their advertising sales. From customer relationship management with MagHub’s CRM, to order creation and invoicing, MagHub assists at each step in the buyer/seller journey.

Customer Relationship Management

In MagHub, you can create contacts and companies within the system while logging activities such as calls and emails, as well as to-do’s, notes, and other functions. With integrations such as Microsoft Outlook, Twillio and others, you can easily utilize your various tools to assist with your day to day routines.

Do you have your own contacts/companies in your current system, or spreadsheet? Not to worry, MagHub has a variety of importers available to get your data from one platform to ours. MagHub also has the option to charge an hourly rate to do it for you. We understand data can be burdensome; however, doing it right the first time saves you hours and headaches in the long run.

Rate Cards

During the setup phase of MagHub, you will be creating rate cards for your ad sizes, locations, and other specifics. Whether they are digital or print, you can customize the smallest banner advertisement, to a 3-page spread opposite of the TOC. After you create these rate cards, you’ll be able to effortlessly create orders on the fly for your customers.


After your rate cards are created your account managers can now begin making sales for your media publication. As mentioned previously, whether it’s digital or print advertisements, MagHub can effortlessly create orders and invoices. With our integrations to QuickBooks Online, Authorize.net, and others you can be sure that your finances are in order, and the need for outside tools/systems are no longer valid.

Are you currently managing your advertising sales with spreadsheets or multiple tools? If so, click here to learn about using MagHub as your advertising inventory management software.

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