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Vendor & Freelance Management Systems

Written by Zach Gilbert

Published: 04/30/2019

MagHub is the most updated CRM/ERP Tool for Media Publishers of all sizes. Whether you manage B2B, B2C, or Niche publications, MagHub has all the tools needed to run every department of your business; from Sales to Production. Click Request Information to learn more today, or click One-Click Updates to follow MagHub.

Ah, freelancers: so inexpensive to utilize (compared to employees) and so easy to manage…..sometimes, so long as a company uses only a handful of contingent/contract workers. Get up into the dozens — not to speak of hundreds – of freelancers and a publisher’s freelance management becomes as easy as, well, herding cats.

All publishers will tell you that freelancers can come and go with alacrity: many people who decide to become freelance writers, graphic artists, recruiters, even commission-only sales pros start completely gung-ho and then, when the less-than-regular income starts coming in (or, too often, doesn’t), they disappear back into full-time employment (and not with you).

And it’s often sudden! Days or even hours from deadline!

You know how rough that is for your publishing empire. Yet you can’t blame them: the irregular income, the begging clients for invoice payment, the dickering over pay rates, and all. It’s rough for your contractors, too.  We know you sympathize.

You may have a vendor management system in place, but it also may be an early version and not-as-robust as you need. It also may not be able to help you manage your freelance team with the data gathering and analytics abilities as you’d like or need.

Hence the Freelance Management System. Created after the Great Recession by a company with a large temporary workforce when it revamped a VMS platform to help companies their contract workers, a FMS system takes vendor management to a whole new level

For example, because regular payment is a freelancer’s dream, and FMS can help you pay them at the exact same time as you pay your regular employees. Imagine if you could even – gasp! – place their payment into their checking account via electronic transfer, same as for your regular employees. Do you think your contractors would start to think of you as their very-best-never-to-say-goodbye client? You bet they would!

The freelance economy is here to stay. It’s only going to grow as more employers move to a contingent workforce and so converting your freelance management processes to an FMS now makes considerable sense: get in early and make your entire publishing enterprise über-easy to manage.

Just some of the tasks with which a good freelance management platform can help:

> Tracking exactly how much you spend on freelancer payments

> Streamlining the freelancer payment process, as mentioned above.

> Rate your contractors for punctuality, professionalism, accuracy, and so on.

In addition, MagHub’s platform also serves as a Vendor Management System (VMS). Large publishers not only have many freelancers/contractors, they also have many vendors and even their own clients. Our VMS payables platform not only can help you pay your freelancers, it also can set up automatic payments to your many vendors.

We know how hard you work and how complex publishing can be. Our Aysling and MagHub platforms focus on the publishers’ needs.  Whether you publish in print, online only, or both our vendor/freelance management systems are here for one thing only: to make it as easy as possible for you to run your publishing company as efficiently and financially successful as possible. 

Give us a call at 844-696-2448 or fill out our request information form. We look forward to learning how we can help you manage – and delight – your freelancers.

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