(877) 297-5464 sales@aysling.com

Digital Flatplanning

Ad Orbit helps you create stunning layouts with drag and drop tools. 

Trying to flatplan can be an impossible task.

Especially if you don’t know which ad spaces have been sold… If it is on paper, it is exceptionally time-consuming to print out the layouts and put them in a place the entire company can see. AdOrbit makes this process easier.

MagBuilder is our digital flatplanning tool that integrates sales and production into an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. It’s quick, easy, and keeps everyone on the same page (no pun intended…). 

Digital Flatplanning Features

  • Easily flatplan with our drag-and-drop tools
  • Place elements visually
  • View the run sheet of upcoming articles and advertisements
  • Sync artwork automatically
  • Layout with coordinated ad inventory
  • Place items with order notes
  • Integrated directly with Adobe InDesign CC

Find out why MagHub is the best software for magazine managers, from sales to production.

Order Management AdOrbit

Ready to get started?

Let us show you the difference Ad Orbit can make for your advertising-based business. Schedule a FREE demo with our team and initiate the launch sequence!