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Aysling Team Spotlight: Paul McBride

Written by Zach Gilbert

Published: 08/04/2020

Paul McBride

Meet Paul

It’s been awhile since we have launched a new Aysling Team Spotlight article and caricature, so we might as well head to the tropics (though he lives in Colorado), and introduce to you our Client Engagement Manager, Paul McBride!

What’s your name?

Paul McBride

What is your job title at Aysling?

Client Engagement Manager

So what does that mean you actually do?

Work with new clients of MagHub to help them setup their system for success.

How long have you worked at Aysling?

Six months

What is your favorite thing about working at Aysling?

The people and the culture at Aysling | MagHub are AMAZING. Everyone will do anything they can to help other employees or clients get what they need.

What is/was your favorite magazine publication?

If you had to publish your own magazine, what would it be about?

Off the beaten path books, music, food, drinks, and destination that are unknown or underrated.

What is the one piece of software you cannot live without?

Amazon Music

What is your favorite season?


If you could live in any movie/television show, which one would it be? And why?

Club Paradise, I would love to live in the Caribbean.

Board, Card, or Video Games?

Card Games

Favorite type of sandwich?

Italian Hoagie

Interesting fact about yourself?

I don’t like winter at all, yet I have lived in Colorado for over 46 years.

And finally, what is your favorite quote/lyric (movie, television show, song, or inspirational)?

“Anyway, rum’s not drinkin’, it’s survivin’!”

– Romer Treece (Robert Shaw)

The Deep

Who is ready to sit on a beach with an ice cold Mai Tai, and enjoy the sun and relaxation? We know we are! Stay tuned for upcoming Aysling Team Spotlight articles coming soon!

Interested in working with Paul and our Project/Onboarding team? We’re the highest rated in our industry for our support/onboarding, and we’d be happy to help your media publishing business grow! Learn more about MagHub today!

Premier Guitar Case Study

Over the years, Premier Guitar has been an active user of MagHub, tuning their system with custom development projects to make the system their own. Learn about one of them today.

Never Stranded With MagHub

There loads of perks when using MagHub. Read our entertaining and quick whitepaper today to learn just a few of them!

Learn More About MagHub

Want to see MagHub in action? Or perhaps you just want more information. Whatever you you’re looking for, we’re here to help you. Click the button to request more information about MagHub, the only ERP for Media Publishers.

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