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Make New Friends, But Keep Your Old Ones: MagHub Release 6.0

nails hammered incorrectly

Written by Tom Bellen

Published: 01/11/2018

It’s cheaper, easier, and more beneficial to the bottom line, to keep your customers than finding new business. You can’t Google ‘customer retention vs customer acquisition’ without finding a stat hammering home this point. Bain Consulting has a very good article on customer loyalty, and why it is so important for the future of your business. With retention in mind, we have made it even easier in MagHub for you to stay connected to your current advertisers and subscribers.

Improved Client Center
MagHub Preview 1Our quick link features allow customers to sign a contract, approve a proof, or pay a bill from an email. But Client Center also gives your customer real-time access to their business with you. Because of the importance of Client Center, we have completely updated the UI and UX. You can easily design Client Center to match your branding. Your customers can view their advertisement, orders, and invoices without having to call upon your team for updates.

You can make it easier for your customers and your team by collecting payment methods during the ordering process, or have your customers enter their credit card information on their account page. Chasing payment methods is never a fun job and no one likes the bill collector.

MagHub Preview 2
Subscription Renewals
Your subscribers can renew their business with you by clicking a link in an automated email. You can set when your emails should go out, customize the message, and track open, clicks, and rejections. Let your customers know what content is coming, and other products you offer. Remember, you are more likely to sell additional products to current customers, than you are to sell products to new customers.


MagHub Preview 3

We know how important it is to keep customers engaged and excited in our products, which is why we focus on making our product better to improve your business. You can use our new tools to save time and energy, retaining your customers, and providing a business benefit your competitors can’t deliver. Now that you have all of this additional time saved in retaining your old friends, you can spend a little more time finding new ones.

Curious in learning more about our improved Client Center, or our Subscription Renewals? Click here to reach out to our team, and we’ll be in touch shortly.

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