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Exploring MagHub Further At The 2020 Fall Forum (Part 2)

nails hammered incorrectly

Written by Zach Gilbert

Published: 02/25/2020

Why attend the MagHub Fall Forum? 

Think the MagHub Fall Forum is just for long time MagHub clients? Think again! Learn what new client at the time, Rowland Publishing, gained from the MagHub Fall Forum in 2019; and what you can expect to learn from the 2020 MagHub Fall Forum; that is being held September 15th through the 17th, in Chicago!

Reminder: Tickets are live. Agenda is live. And the MagHub Fall Forum is available for all current MagHub clients. Whether you are a B2B, B2C, niche, etc. publication, join your MagHub peers as you discuss the media industry, new strategies, and ways to use our system to your benefit. This year’s Fall Forum offers three distinct ticket tracks aimed at involving your entire business. Whether you are sales, production, or administration, you will be sure to walk out with valuable insight in the MagHub platform, and likely some great stories from the many events/presentations planned.

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