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MagHub: The Media Publishing CRM

Written by Zach Gilbert

Published: 11/18/2020

Who qualifies as a publisher? Only those who produce a print newspaper, newsletter or magazine?

We say: anyone who publishes pretty much anything in print or digitally is a publisher.

And that means you probably need a publishing CRM 

Whether you run a podcast, offer webinars or online conferences, hold classes, publish a large blog with thousands of followers, operate a popular YouTube channel, etc., you’re a publisher.

Plus, if you require subscriptions/memberships or otherwise charge for your content/products, (such as subscriptions/memberships) you have customers…and so you need a publishing CRM to manage and market to them.

Most of us tend to think of CRMs as tools used to sell advertising or products/services via a team of sales professionals. Yet even if you have but one salesperson – you! – for your small publication or podcast, you need a publishing CRM.


You need MagHub

MagHub is a CRM built for publishers. Any type of publisher. Not only will MagHub help you keep track of – and market to – your clients and prospects, it also manage subscriptions, contractors/freelancers/employees, billing, editorial/graphics, sales, and more.

Let’s say you sell your digital ads. Maghub integrates easily with Google Ad Manager. Whether you’re already working with advertisers directly, or you’re even using Yahoo ads, you’ll be able to manage all your advertisements appearing in different ad networks while still enjoying Google Ads’ incredible ad targeting and reporting capabilities. 

Google ad management capabilities integrated with the MagHub publishing CRM include targeting ads by browser used, or by the user’s location or language, even the browser user’s internet provider or mobile carrier.


Selling your digital publication via Google Ads

Let’s say you advertise your publication, podcast, webinar, blog, etc. via Google Ads. You’ll be selling ads for it at different price points depending on which position and/or channel on which you’ll be selling it.

MagHub allows you to set the frequency of the ad’s appearance as you choose: daily, day of the month, month of the year, every day of a particular week, no days on a particular week, and so on.


Event management, ecommerce, distribution, and more

Many publishers also provide seminars to their subscribers. Podcast publishers offer webinars. Social media influencers of all types (fashion, homesteading, crafts, DIY skills, cooking, gardening, etc.) sometimes offer multi-day events in which followers can meet together to discuss the topic(s) they love most. 

MagHub helps publishers get their customers and fans together in events they host and manage themselves. MagHub helps you create the event itself, build a storefront (if you’ll be selling items), sell and distribute tickets, and so on.

You’ll be able to see every individual attendee’s information in the CRM: follow up with past attendees to encourage them to attend again. Customize and automate your event’s marketing tactics depending on where a prospect is on their attendee journey with you (just heard of your event or has attended for the past 10 years, for example).


Sell products and services

Many digital publishers also sell t-shirts, hats, stickers, books, etc. in addition to subscriptions and memberships.

Open a digital storefront with MagHub. Manage products/inventory, collect payments, ship products. Integrate the MagHub publishing CRM’s back-office module with it.


Are you a publisher?

You very well may be! The internet and technology have made it easy for anyone with an opinion, a story to tell, wisdom to impart, etc.  to do so relatively easily…and broadcast their content to people around the globe!

And if you sell either your “publication” itself or products and events related to it, the MagHub publishing CRM will make your efforts much, much easier – helping you earn even more revenue.

We’re happy to show you how MagHub works.  Contact us for more information or to set up a real-time demonstration.

MagHub features an advertising sales CRM, subscription manager, flatplanning system, and so much more.

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