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Trending Seasonally

Written by Nick Pataro

Published: 11/06/2014

Everyone knows that retailers change seasons before anybody else. Think Christmas in September. While your advertisers might not be retailers, they will appreciate your knowledge of seasonal trends and how your publication is actively pursuing them.

Eric Wheeler from ClickZ wrote a great article providing tips to make sure you, as a publisher, get that lucrative holiday bonus by focusing on holiday trends. The article gives some insight into not only trending seasons but also the trend towards digital ad purchasing. If you’re not into the digital game yet, consider that last year m-commerce alone captured 21% of Black Friday sales. That percentage is likely to grow this year and if you’re not online and mobile compatible, you need to make it happen ASAP.

Another tip that Wheeler mentions to trend successfully is to make sure you monitor your content. He tells us to keep a keen eye on what is being shared, what words are being used and what the target community is finding interesting during that season. If you have an analytics tool, use it. If you don’t have one, get one. A publisher monetizes best when ads are performing well. Ads perform well when they’re well targeted towards high-traffic, relevant pages. Know your content, and know what is and isn’t working.

In 2014, the world is more competitive than ever. Use the tools available and get an edge on the competition, sell more ads to target markets, and make sure your content is seamlessly compatible with major mobile devices.

Without a system to manage these seasonal trends, you’ll be stuck to fidgeting with Google Docs and other non-specific resources. MagHub provides a specific tool for publishers that can streamline your workflow, manage your advertisers, and better prepare you for seasonal changes. Schedule a demo here.


POSTED BY Nick Pataro, to contact click here.

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