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Avoid These Common Mistakes in Your Ad Operations

Avoid These Common Mistakes in Your Ad Operations

The advertising world is volatile, with trends and technologies constantly shifting the sands beneath the feet of even the most agile advertising executives. For those deep in the trenches of ad operations, navigating the complexities of audience targeting, pricing,...
Convince Your Boss That You Can’t Miss ORBITAL24

Convince Your Boss That You Can’t Miss ORBITAL24

“My biggest takeaway was listening to other users of Ad Orbit and how they’re using the system…it was very productive for me. Last year, we brought three people; this year, we brought four. I think the fact that Ad Orbit does these user forums is a...
How to Package Ads Without Pissing Off Customers 

How to Package Ads Without Pissing Off Customers 

Note: This is an abstract from an article written for our partner Revenews.co. In response to a 2.97% decline in Q1 2024 advertising revenue, publishers are urged to embrace value-based selling through packaging solutions. This article advocates for strategic bundling...