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Social Media for Publishers

Using social media is a mixture of art and science. While determining how you engage with your audience depends largely on which audience you are engaging with there are some general guidelines that are fairly universal. Publishing Executive has a list of suggestions...

Anti-Trust Irony

The magazine industry is a chain comprised of a series of links. Content producers are the beginning of the chain with printers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers, and newsstands following. There is a substantial difference in how these pieces of the chain operate....

Distrust of Advertisers

What advertisers call “consumers” have become extremely wary of advertising. And the fault lies mostly on the advertisers themselves. For decades, ads were intended to manipulate people into buying things they didn’t need and content was...

Taxing Taxonomy

Why We Define In order to navigate the world, we create conceptual categories that we then associate with words. Without the making mental patterns we would be lost in a sea of sensation. The natural consequence of this psychological reality is that we tend to...

Responsive Soup for the Publisher’s Soul

Shift Happens For centuries, publishers were accustomed to being the primary sources of content. The word “publisher” is from the Latin “publicare” which means to make public. The publishers in ancient times were not separate entities from governmental and religious...