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MagHub + Websites = Something Sweet

What is Sweets & Meats? Sweets & Meats started off as a grand idea from MagHub Product Manager, Tom Bellen. Tom’s idea was to combine the best things about baking, and the best things about grilling/smoking meat, and putting them together in one...

MagHub Integration Review: MediaRadar

If you’re a magazine publisher using MagHub and if you’re not already using MediaRadar to help your advertising reps find terrific prospects, why aren’t you? In case you weren’t aware, MagHub and MediaRadar opted to create a data integration partnership, one that...

2019 Trends in ERP Solutions

Just as with about any new technology, many businesses have yet to fully embrace the power of ERP software: they may have separate tools they’ve been using for years that “do the job” in bits and pieces, and so they see no reason to upgrade. But when it comes to...