(877) 297-5464 sales@aysling.com

Aysling Team Spotlight: Brian Gonzales

Brian Gonzales Software Engineer Today learn more about one of our seasoned Software Engineers, Brian Gonzales. You might not have the opportunity to speak with Brian in-person in the office; however, we guarantee you’ve seen his work if you’ve used any of...
Looking for a Great ROI on Advertising Sales?

Looking for a Great ROI on Advertising Sales?

Start a Joint Venture with Other Publishers! When it comes to advertising, many people may think that ads in print publications are deader than dead. But that’s not true. And it’s not that online advertising is so alive it beats the pants off of the ROI of print...
Aysling Team Spotlight: Dan Thurston

Aysling Team Spotlight: Dan Thurston

Dan ThurstonSoftware Engineer Much like our products; each member of our Aysling team has a unique feature or features that distinguishes themselves from everyone else. Today’s Aysling Team Spotlight is no different. Our early riser, video game guru, and...

The Road to 8.0

We’ve done it: MagHub Release 8.0 is here! Released Friday, July 12th, 2019. With the release of 8.0, we now see the 7.0 Series in our rear-view mirror. Join us as we look back at the last ten releases. MagHub Release 7.0 We won’t spend much time discussing...