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Equip Your Ad Sales Reps with Marketing Tools

Your marketing team members market and your sales reps sell. And never the twain shall meet, right? After all, once the sale is made, it’s made. The rep may email his or her clients individually, but  there’s no need to email customers en masse, as in – good golly! –...

Exploring MagHub Further At The Fall Forum (Part 3)

Name: Genay GenereuxPublisher: Encore Media GroupBrief History about the publisher and yourself: Encore is celebrating our 50th anniversary this year! We publish programs for arts venues in both Seattle and San Francisco. We also work with other clients to create...

How to Manage a Sales Team

(So That Everyone Succeeds and You Stay Happy) Managing a sales team for your publishing enterprise. Sounds simple, right? After all, good sales people need no managing: just let ’em lose and watch ’em go! If only… Good salespeople do have a lot of get up and go. Or,...

Tom’s Tips Podcast S3E3: It’s FRIDAY!

Tom:Hello everybody. Welcome to Tom’s Tips Podcast. I am your host Tom Bellen, Product Manager for MagHub. I am joined as always by our Marketing Director, Zach Gilbert. Zach, how are you doing today? Zach:I’m good, Tom, it’s Friday. Tom:It is...