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Which Departments Use MagHub? All of Them!

It’s only natural: MagHub works so well as a sales CRM that when you decide to purchase our software system, your sales department probably is the first (only?) department that uses its. But MagHub can be used by your entire publishing enterprise: administration,...

MagHub 8.3 Release Notes

No tricks, only treats when you come to MagHub’s door in October! We know it can be scary to try new features, and we do our best to not let something come out and bite you (that’s a bug joke). In Release 8.3 we have all your favorites: additional MagBuilder colors,...

Aysling Team Spotlight: Brook Williams

Meet Brook Hey everyone, Zach here. There are a lot of perks to my job (flexible scheduling, unlimited PTO, a remarkable team, fantastic team outings and lunches, great clients, etc.); however, I would have to say the most enjoyable part of my job is the ability to...