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Which Departments Use MagHub? All of Them!

Written by Zach Gilbert

Published: 10/25/2019

It’s only natural: MagHub works so well as a sales CRM that when you decide to purchase our software system, your sales department probably is the first (only?) department that uses its.

But MagHub can be used by your entire publishing enterprise: administration, marketing, editorial/publishing, production, finance, and more, in fact your business will be more successful if they do use it.

Take a look below for how each of how your different departments can use the Maghub ERP.

Sales and Marketing

The MagHub sales and  marketing management feature helps marketers/sales reps and their managers keep track of prospects from first contact to sale. From the first email sent to a lead/prospect to an order approval, this MagHub feature was created specifically for the publishing industry. Just two things the sales hub can do for you:

+ Generate contact lists from behavior (an email opened, a link clicked).
+ Program confidence levels based on sales rep/prospect activities and where a prospect is in your pipeline.

As for your marketers, they will be able to:

+ Create email campaigns with Constant Contact or MailChimp.
+ Use the software’s dashboard widgets for marketing reports and next activities.

Production and Project Management

Our ERP software system allows your production teams (editorial/layout/graphics) to coordinate with each other. Everyone can prioritize projects via color-coded tickets. Your editorial and production team members can use a single workflow system, helping them stay synced with each other and on track to meet deadlines. 

Your editorial and sales teams will love the fact that editorial and art content can be transferred directly to your production pros, all while editorial or sales (ad copy and graphics) content is attached to the appropriate work tickets.

Subscriptions and Distribution

Subscribers are the lifeblood of your publication yet managing them – all the many different spreadsheets and/or databases – has you tearing your hair out.

Our subscriptions and distribution feature lets your subscribers sign up themselves – and pay! –  online in your branded-to-you-particular-publication system that you can place on your website.

You also can create your own subscriber portal, which gives your subscribers access to their own subscriptions, even sending them an auto-renewal scheduler/reminder.

If you distribute a physical product, your distribution managers can establish routes, set up drop-off locations…and sync them with Google Maps.

Finance and Administration

Subscribers are critical but it’s your advertisers that make your publication financially healthy. Your vendors and employees/freelancers/contractors help you make your magazine attractive to readers and advertisers. 

Yet it’s been far too easy over time for media publishers to lose track of ads, payments, invoices, timecards, and other important documents that help make your publishing empire work.

MagHub’s finance/administration tools allow you to focus on sales, editorial and design (as well  as distribution, as needed) by letting everyone keep track of all their moving parts within one dashboard.

Your finance team members will be able to easily keep track of invoices, AP/AR, even freelancer invoices/employee time cards, and sync it all easily with QuickBooks Online.

Want to know how many bills were paid last month, how much you paid employees, how much subscription sales brought in, how many subscribers left, how many advertisers are overdue on their payments, whether a certain freelancer has been late with a deliverable again? MagHub’s finance/admin feature lets you dig and see it all. Easily and quickly.

No matter what type of publisher you are, no matter what department in which you work, no matter what your role, MagHub’s ERP is the answer to helping you put out a great publication Every. Single. Time.

Contact us by calling at 844-696-2448 if you’d like to learn more about the MagHub system’s capabilities. You also can contact us at info@adorbit.com or via our online “Hey MagHub!” form.

Premier Guitar Case Study

Over the years, Premier Guitar has been an active user of MagHub, tuning their system with custom development projects to make the system their own. Learn about one of them today.

Never Stranded With MagHub

There loads of perks when using MagHub. Read our entertaining and quick whitepaper today to learn just a few of them!

Learn More About MagHub

Want to see MagHub in action? Or perhaps you just want more information. Whatever you you’re looking for, we’re here to help you. Click the button to request more information about MagHub, the only ERP for Media Publishers.

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