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7 Email Templates You Need to Elevate Advertiser Experience

nails hammered incorrectly

Written by Nick Pataro

Published: 06/20/2024

Starbucks isn’t wildly successful because of its superior coffee.

In fact, you likely have a local coffee shop with better coffee than Starbucks, so why do most people opt for the slightly burnt-tasting Starbucks coffee?


When someone buys coffee from Starbucks, their experience is precisely the same – every. single. time.

The local cafe is hit or miss. Sometimes, the coffee is ready, and other times, you have to wait 10 minutes.

This same principle applies to your media business. Advertisers are more likely to buy from publishers who create a consistent, positive experience.

So how can you ensure consistency in your interactions with advertisers? With email templates.

Email templates are pre-written, customizable messages that save time and effort when communicating with potential or current clients.

By having a set of effective email templates at your disposal, you can constantly deliver a top-notch experience to your advertisers without reinventing the wheel. Here are seven essential email templates that will elevate your advertiser experience:

Top 7 Templates for Creating Consistency

Templates aren’t a new concept, but their importance cannot be overstated. They not only save time and effort, but they also ensure consistency in communication with advertisers.

It’s one of our favorite tools in both sales and marketing at Ad Orbit.

Being able to spin up an email in a matter of seconds using tried and tested templates makes it easy to create a consistent experience for our clients.

Here are the top seven templates that every media business should have in its arsenal:

1. Ad Campaign Renewal

If your team is constantly racing against contract expiration dates or has to spend hours coordinating with clients for ad renewals, this template is a lifesaver.

Instead of trying to create a new email every time an ad renewal comes up, use this template to quickly communicate the necessary details and get the renewal process started.

The template:


In just a few short months, we're running our TOP DOCTORS issue and we think you'd be a great fit. This is one of our most highly rated and read issues. 

With advertising packages starting at $XX.XX, we have an option for every budget. 

If you're interested in being showcased alongside CITY's TOP DOCTORS, let me know so we can discuss your goals and put together a plan to reach this audience. 


It’s quick, straightforward, and has a clear call to action, making it easy for your clients to respond promptly.

2. Ad Material Collection Request

Does your creative team spend hours trying to track down assets for ads?

This time-consuming task can be easily streamlined with this email template.

Simply fill in the necessary details and send it to your client, making it clear what materials are needed and by what date.

The template:


It looks like our client services team has reached out a few times, but hasn't been able to connect with you about submitting your ad creative for your upcoming campaign. 

We need the following from you by DATE or we'll pick up your last ad. 


Please upload those to our portal HERE or send them to clients@xyzpublisher.com


There are really only three points to include in this:

  1. What you need
  2. When you need it
  3. How to submit

Clearly stating these points will save you and your team countless back-and-forth emails and ensure timely delivery of ad materials.

3. Thanks for Buying

The purchase success email is one the most crucial yet often overlooked emails for advertisers.

Think about the last time you bought something from an online retailer or even a local store. Chances are, you received an email thanking you for your purchase and providing details about the product or service.

This simple gesture makes customers feel appreciated and valued, creating a positive experience that they are likely to remember when considering future purchases.

As advertisers are also customers in this sense, sending them a thank-you email can have the same impact on their experience with your media business. Use this template to quickly send a personalized thank-you message after an advertiser has made a purchase. It will show your appreciation for their business and make them feel like a valued partner in your advertising efforts.

The template:


Thanks for trusting with your marketing dollars. We're excited to get started and share your campaign with our audience. Below is a list of resources, suggestions, and frequently asked questions so you can get the most out of our partnership

  • Team
    • You can always reach out to me, but you will also be supported by our client services team. Here are some folks you might be working with: 
      • FNAME LNAME - Title - clients@xyzpublisher.com
      • FNAME LNAME - Title - clients@xyzpublisher.com
      • FNAME LNAME - Title - clients@xyzpublisher.com
  • Material Reminders
    • You may also receive emails from our ad ops shared email clients@xyzpublisher.com. Send us a quick email saying hi so you are sure to never have our emails end up in spam or promotions. 
  • Client Portal
    • For your convenience, we offer a Client Portal. If you've never logged in, please follow the "reset your password" prompts using this email address. 

Q: When can I expect to be billed? 

Q: Where can I find your media kit?  

Q: Where can I learn more about how my ads are performing?

Q: Can I change or cancel the run dates for my advertising? 

We look forward to doing awesome work together with you! Please reach out if you have any questions. 


We like to include a section for “Frequently Asked Questions,” a link to our Customer Portal and all appropriate contacts.

4. New Product Announcement

Email templates aren’t only operational.

They can also be used to promote new products or services or generate new revenue from existing clients.

Use this template to announce new offerings, updates, or features that you think your advertisers will be interested in.

This email should be short and sweet, highlighting the key benefits of the new product or service and including a clear call to action for interested advertisers.

The template:


We've been working together for a while and your campaigns have been performing well, so I wanted to bring a new product to your attention that might take you to the next level. 

We just rolled out a new NAME OF PRODUCT that we beta tested with another advertiser of ours. They noticed a STAT lift in METRIC. While you don't compete directly with this group, their company and yours have similar characteristics, so you may see a similar result. 

You can learn more about the product here PRESS RELEASE/PRODUCT LISTING.

Let me know if you want to hop on a call to discuss how we might fit this into your existing campaign. 


Remember, people want to feel like their communications are personalized. So leave some space for something unique, or spend time segmenting your audience for a more targeted approach.

5. Past Due Invoice

The dreaded past due invoice.

No one likes to send this email, and no one likes to receive it.

But unfortunately, chasing after unpaid invoices is a necessary part of running a media business.

This template will save you from writing a lengthy and uncomfortable email whenever an advertiser misses their payment deadline. It clearly states the amount owed and the due date and provides payment options, making it easy for your clients to resolve any outstanding issues.

The template:


I noticed that we have a past due invoice on your account. You're normally great about paying on time, so I figured this was an oversight or you may have a question about the invoice itself. 

You can find all of your open invoices in your Client Center HERE

Can you please take a look at this and let me know how we can get you paid up? 


6. Lost/Expired Advertiser Re-engage

How often do your clients disappear?

Maybe they’ve completed their campaign, and you haven’t heard from them since. Maybe their contract expired, and they never responded to your renewal email. Or perhaps they showed interest in advertising but never followed through with a purchase.

Whatever the case may be, this template is perfect for re-engaging with lost or expired advertisers. It reminds them of your value and encourages them to continue working with your media business.

The template:


It looks like CHANGE (product launch/went through a merger/hired a new executive/etc). It's been a little while since we ran any promotions for ##COMPANY##, but we recently ran a campaign for another group who SAME CHANGE. 

We targeted a subset of our audience to promote this change and they saw METRIC. 

Any interest in learning how this worked? 


7. Special Issue Promo

Last but certainly not least, we’ve got the special issue promo template.

This email can promote special editions, themed issues, or any other unique advertising opportunities your media business offers.

It should highlight the opportunity’s exclusivity and added value and include a clear call to action for interested advertisers.

Call out the unique benefits of this special issue, such as increased exposure or a specific target audience, to entice advertisers to take advantage of this limited-time opportunity.

The template:


In just a few short months, we're running our TOP DOCTORS issue and we think you'd be a great fit. This is one of our most highly rated and read issues. 

With advertising packages starting at $XX.XX, we have an option for every budget. 

If you're interested in being showcased alongside CITY's TOP DOCTORS, let me know so we can discuss your goals and put together a plan to reach this audience. 


Why Advertisers Need Email Templates

In addition to saving time and effort, email templates in your advertising communication also ensure consistency and professionalism. It allows for a cohesive brand experience and builds trust between your media business and its clients.

Moreover, by creating templates that cover common scenarios such as ad renewals, material requests, and past-due invoices, you can streamline your processes and improve efficiency within your team.

Remember always to personalize your emails when necessary and regularly review the templates to ensure they are up-to-date and relevant.

With these seven templates in your arsenal, you’ll have a solid foundation for consistent interactions with advertisers. But don’t be afraid to customize or create new ones based on your specific needs and target audience. Remember, consistency is key.

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