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MagBowl Extravaganza 2018!

“This is bowling, there are rules” – The Big Lebowski One of the many quotes and pop culture references dropped at last week’s MagHub Bowling Extravaganza, held at Revel and Roll in Ann Arbor, Michigan. With a nearly full crowd, the MagHub team...

MagHub Release 6.2: Subscription Center, A Much ‘Beta’ Solution

We are proud to announce the release of MagHub 6.2. Below you will find a small handful of the many useful features and improvements made to MagHub, the magazine CRM and publishing workflow tool. Have questions, or are interested in learning more about MagHub? Click...

From 80° to 30°: MagHub’s Return From PMA 2018

The MagHub team is finally back from a busy schedule of conferences! Our first stop was in sunny St. Petersburg, Florida, for Parenting Media Association’s, Annual 2018 Convention! From palm trees to steel drums, PMA did not disappoint. PMA attendees regularly...

Encore Media Group Makes The Switch To MagHub

Ann Arbor, MI. (March 7, 2018) – Encore Media Group has moved from their legacy software to MagHub, the cloud-based magazine customer relation management (CRM) and publishing software. Purpose of the move for Encore Media Group is to continue pursuing their goals of...