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10 Ideas from FIPP World Congress

10 Ideas from FIPP World Congress Premium and longform content is becoming increasingly valuable Deals can come from unlikely places Video is a priority Integrated content on social platforms will be huge Culture trumps strategy Podcasting is hot once again...

Bridal Publishers Trying to Marry Content and Commerce

The wedding industry is a multi-billion dollar market. Publishers within that space are looking to boost revenue streams by combining ideas in content with execution services. A primary example is how The Knot, a bridal magazine, purchased GigMasters, an event...

YouTube Red

YouTube is launching an ad-free subscription service called YouTube Red, and forcing major contributors to, “sign-up, or else.” This mafia-type move by YouTube will ultimately benefit creators, but it also has major drawbacks for companies like ESPN who,...

TNG Changes Magazine Retail Strategy

One of the most difficult declines for the magazine industry has been in newsstand sales. As these sales have continued to diminish, the magazine industry has been looking for ways to make the distribution of print more efficient and adaptive. TNG, one of the giants...