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Is Native Advertising Sustainable?

Antoine Boulin at Digiday discusses some of the shortcomings of native advertising. While many organizations are upping their budgets to include native advertising, there are a couple notable downsides. First, is the lack of measurability. The second and more...

Facebook is the new Mafia

When Facebook began changing their algorithms over the last few years, companies and brands saw a massive decrease in organic reach. Essentially, it appeared that Facebook was intentionally removing content from the newsfeeds of people who liked their pages. It seemed...

The Actual Ad Problem

Walt Mossberg (@waltmossberg) of Re/Code (@recode) gives additional insight into why online advertising is problematic. His analysis identifies two issues. First, that information is indiscriminately collected without our consent. Second, that the advertising then...

Muppets and Ad Blocking

John Macht (@machtHBR) at FIPP makes a rather intriguing comparison between the revolution begun by the famous puppet TV show, the Muppets, and what may happen with ad blocking in the future. Jim Henson was the first person to utilize the cropping power of the frame,...