(877) 297-5464 sales@aysling.com

Create an Order from the Sales Center

When reviewing your forecasts in the Sales Center, you can not only click any text highlighted in blue, but you can create an order for any forecasted opportunity. This generated order will automatically be associated with the company it was created for. Once...

Export Results

On many of MagHub’s searches and reports, you can export the information queried to a .csv file. You can then open and edit the information in Excel or another worksheet application. Like this tip? Click here to see more!

Right-Click to Open New Tab

From any screen in MagHub you can right-click on a link to open a page into a new browser tab (or new browser window). This is great for when you wish to keep the current page intact and wish to visit another visit another page quickly to follow up on additional...

Practice Active Listening to Drive Sales

Active listening is an art, requiring focused attention and discipline. Sales requires active listening more than most professions. Listening to prospects helps unveil the needs they are actually trying to fulfill and saves time for both the sales person and the...

Sort Data by Column

Sort any table column simply by clicking on the column name in the header. Click once to sort in ascending order. Click again to sort in descending order. Like this tip? Click here to see more!