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Why Your Team Should Attend the 2021 MagHub Fall Forum

Right now, many people are vaccinated and looking forward to the summer fun they were deprived of last year. But as summer winds down, September will roll around once again, bringing with it one of the biggest events of the year. What could that be? The start of...

Exploring MagHub Further At The Fall Forum (Part 3)

Name: Genay GenereuxPublisher: Encore Media GroupBrief History about the publisher and yourself: Encore is celebrating our 50th anniversary this year! We publish programs for arts venues in both Seattle and San Francisco. We also work with other clients to create...

MagHub on the Road: 2020 Conferences

We’re travelin’ men and women this year! That’s right, MagHub is coming to publishing conferences, expos and expos near (and far from) you in 2020. There’s little that beats the publishing industry and that includes its conferences. If you work in any aspect of...

Exploring MagHub Further At The 2020 Fall Forum

Why attend the MagHub Fall Forum?  Have you heard us talking about the MagHub Fall Forum 2020 and all of the great reasons your publication should be attending? Learn why one of our media publishing clients, Rodman Media, found benefit in attending past MagHub Fall...