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Why Your Team Needs Ad Sales Management Software

nails hammered incorrectly

Written by Nick Pataro

Published: 01/07/2024

For ad operations professionals, media sales managers, and digital publishers, maintaining efficiency and accuracy in ad sales management can often seem like a high-wire act.

Without a centralized system for data, placements can be oversold, undersold, or completely missed, resulting in lost revenue and frustrated clients.

However, these challenges can be easily overcome with the help of ad sales management software. The right software can bridge the gap between sales, operations, billing, and marketing to give your team the competitive edge they need to succeed.

In this guide, we will look at ways software can streamline ad sales management and make your job much easier.

Challenges in Ad Sales Management

Ad sales have changed a lot over the past decade. Even more in the past 20 years. It is a multifaceted process that requires careful attention to numerous moving parts. Every aspect ensures seamless ad inventory sales, from meticulously tracking multiple sales channels to nurturing and maintaining strong client relationships.

And if something doesn’t get entered correctly? Cue the delays, errors, and frustration.

In this complex and dynamic environment, errors can prove extremely costly and harm client relationships and the company’s overall financial performance.

It is crucial to maintain a high level of accuracy and attention to detail to ensure smooth operations and preserve clients’ trust. By implementing robust quality control measures and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, organizations can mitigate the risks associated with errors and safeguard their reputation in the market.

The Crucial Role of Ad Sales Management Software in Streamlining Processes

Is your sales team stuck using outdated spreadsheets and manual processes?

Adopting specialized software can transform the landscape of ad sales management.

Investing in ad sales management software yields substantial dividends by enhancing efficiency and equipping one with the agility to navigate and respond to dynamic market changes and fluctuations effectively.

4 Benefits of Ad Sales Management Software

1. Efficiency and Time-Saving

By automating manual tasks that used to consume hours of valuable time, businesses can now allocate their resources toward strategic planning and fostering growth opportunities.

This shift in focus allows organizations to optimize their operations, streamline processes, and drive innovation, ultimately paving the way for sustainable success and expansion.

2. Improved Accuracy and Reduced Errors

The right software minimizes human error, ensuring data integrity and client trust.

If you’re constantly tracking down missing information or dealing with incorrect data, your ad sales team can’t function at their best. Automation solves this issue by reducing manual input and establishing a central (and accurate!) single data source.

3. Enhanced Collaboration and Communication

Does your team operate in an informational silo?

Ad sales management software is a centralized hub where all team members can access real-time data and insights, fostering collaboration and facilitating communication. It can be fed with data from multiple sources (such as invoicing, CRM systems, and ad servers) and provide your team with a holistic view of all sales activities.

This level of transparency allows for seamless coordination and better strategic planning, leading to improved decision-making.

Your experts will have access to the precise data they need – when needed.

4. Real-Time Data and Analytics

How up-to-date is your data?

Is it hours old? Days old? Weeks or even months? When you lack adequate ad sales software, data can take weeks to collect and analyze, rendering it nearly useless.

Ad sales management software can provide real-time data and analytics that allow for rapid response to changing market dynamics. Having an up-to-the-minute view – both high-level and granular – of the deals in your pipeline can be a game-changer for your key decision-makers.

Instead of hoping their data is accurate, they’ll have confidence and be empowered to act swiftly.

Key Features to Look for in Ad Sales Management Software

Not all ad sales management software is created equal. Some are better suited for particular businesses or industries than others.

However, there are some key features that every organization should consider when evaluating potential solutions.


Centralize all customer interactions to enhance the quality of client communication and service.

Order and Inventory Management

Keep track of ad inventory and manage sales orders efficiently to avoid overbooking or unsold space.

Reporting and Analytics

Detailed reports help in assessing performance and in making informed decisions. Your ad sales software should give you insights that help your team sell more effectively. Reporting, BI, and analytics help bridge the gap between your data and decision-making.

Automated Workflows and Approvals

Streamline process approvals and reduce bottlenecks to keep the ad sales pipeline flowing smoothly. You don’t want your sales team doing admin work; you want them selling!

The goal is to have everything in one place. So, when evaluating your options, shortlist providers that offer an all-in-one solution or, at the very least, have native integrations to ensure reliable data transfer.

Billing and GL

By including Accounts Receivable data in the mix, your sales and ops team will be able to see each customer account in it’s entirety. Billing based on actual impressions served or ads run is a big bonus time saver.

Ad Sales Software is About More than More Revenue.

Streamlining ad operations is crucial for staying competitive in the fast-moving world of publishing.
But it’s also essential for keeping your team happy, motivated, and focused on what they do best – selling ad campaigns and building relationships.

With the right software, your organization can increase efficiency, reduce errors, foster collaboration, and make more informed decisions based on real-time data. A frustrated sales team won’t just impact your bottom line; it can also harm company culture and employee retention.

Investing in ad sales management software is an investment in your team’s success and your company’s long-term growth and profitability.

So don’t wait – start exploring your options today!

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