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The Road to 8.0

Written by Zach Gilbert

Published: 07/16/2019

We’ve done it: MagHub Release 8.0 is here! Released Friday, July 12th, 2019. With the release of 8.0, we now see the 7.0 Series in our rear-view mirror. Join us as we look back at the last ten releases.

MagHub Release 7.0

We won’t spend much time discussing MagHub 7.0 as we have a whole post dedicated to it! However, 7.0 was the start of our new textured User Interface!

MagHub Release 7.1 

MagHub now allowed you to email a contact or send to an email address from within the platform. In addition, the analytics menu on the publishing tool’s dock let you know when an email was opened, left unopened, or even rejected.

MagHub Release 7.2

This update meant you could group invoices by order number automatically. The Data Warehouse also now included view additions such as publication sales year-over-year, previous year issue sales by representative, and current year issue sales by representative.

Perhaps best of all: you could now auto push lists to MailChimp every evening!

MagHub Release 7.3

This release meant you could now upload digital and print inventory to your issues. Two of this release’s best improvements, we think, were that you now had more control when doing a re-order and new notifications went out when sending expense reports, and when the reports were approved/declined. 

MagHub Release 7.4

This release saw features such as the ability to bulk update rate card and sizes when editing an order. The release now allowed users to also remove discounts in bulk from an order. We added product categories to the ecommerce store front in the publishing tool.

MagHub Release 7.5

This release allowed users to add print, digital and service line items to confirmed orders, while also setting any item on an order to require payment during an order’s approval process. The biggest of the improvements? Users could now create new artwork from user reminder templates.

MagHub Release 7.6

Many of our users told us they wanted to sell subscriptions to their publication via MagHub’s ecommerce platform. We made it so in this release.

This release also saw the additions of 1) a purchase order creation tool,  and 2) a multi-line purchase order creation tool.


MagHub Release 7.7

This release’s improvements meant users could now match their vendor invoices to purchase orders, sell tickets to an event, create a subscription metrics report, and establish vendor types (such as Freelancer, for example) 

MagHub Release 7.8

We added many new features and improvements with this release, including an update of the subscription metrics report to allow year-over-year comparison. Users also now could place classified ad sales in New Orders, added a “contact view” bubble to contact search results so that your clients would know how to contact the right person at your business. The unit price field now could set the gross amount on digital line items if user-defined pricing was enabled.

MagHub Release 7.9

The last update before Release 8.0 added improvements including the ability to split an ecommerce order into multiple shipments. This release also meant publishers could import editorial content. What’s more – and good news for the sales team – the MagHub ERP could now create a report that showed sales by product, as well as ecommerce reports, shipping reports and more.

As for what’s new in MagHub 8.0? Check out the screenshot below to see how far our platform has come!

For more information on the MagHub publishing tool, dial 844-696-2448. You also can email us at info@adorbit.com or use our online contact form.

MagHub is the most updated CRM/ERP Tool for Media Publishers of all sizes. Whether you manage B2B, B2C, or Niche publications, MagHub has all the tools needed to run every department of your business; from Sales to Production. Click Request Information to learn more today, or click One-Click Updates to follow MagHub.

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