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Who Hosts the Best Events? Publishers!

Written by Zach Gilbert

Published: 08/07/2019

It’s true and you as an event coordinator/manager for a media publisher know it: publishers hold the best events! 

– Sailing mag? You probably host boat shows.

– Publisher of a wine connoisseur online/print magazine? You’re the extremely popular publisher that hosts winery tours/tastings!

– And if you’re at all a media publication involved in the music industry? Well, we don’t have to tell you how many music festivals you host or help host, do we?

– And if you’re a “gun and gardening” publisher? How about an “all-star dinner,” culinary events, a sporting weekend (fishing and shooting), even a conference on Southern culture and literature?

What’s more – as you  well know – hosting events is fantastic for more than just your publication: your event is the gift that keeps on giving to your advertisers and vendors because as you advertise the event, you’re providing publicity and advertising for your event supporters and vendors, which often are also your publication’s vendors and advertisers!

We really can’t think of a bigger win-win when it comes to marketing….and revenue.

Media businesses have learned in a big way how terrific such events can be and they are becoming a big part of the publishing industry as a whole. Events already are a substantial source of revenue for publishers, as much as 20 percent of total revenues. This isn’t surprising when you consider how much event sponsorships, ticket sales and advertising revenue can add up to.

And if you think your events needs to go big or not go at all, that’s not necessary: a small, cultural Louisiana magazine started offering  “Supper Clubs” six times a year in which just 150 people purchased tickets for the chance to sit down to a five-course meal, with live entertainment (musicians and storytellers). Just six sponsors and selling 150 $90 tickets six times a year meant 15 percent in revenue growth!

Moving from Event Management Tools Such as Eventbrite to Media Publishing Software

Many publishers already hosting events probably use tools such as Eventbrite for ticket sales, etc. But MagHub’s event management module does it all, from sponsorships and ticket sales, to the entire registration process (with QR codes to prevent multiple people sharing one ticket). What’s more, unlike event software, MagHub has all of your contact and ticket sales information in the same location as your contacts, companies, advertisers, and vendor information. So there is no need to import/export events from event software when next year’s event appears on the horizon: they’re already in your system, waiting for you to start calling, emailing and adding sponsors/advertisers/vendors to MagHub’s automated workflows.

Finally (and speaking of events), get ready for MagHub’s Fall Forum August 19-24 here in Detroit.

If you’re a current MagHub user (thank you!) there is an additional cost associated with the Event Management module. But it’s nominal.

If you’re a publisher already hosting events or thinking of starting to hold them, learn more about MagHub’s event management and other capabilities by calling us at 844-696-2448 or sending us a message at info@adorbit.com or using our online contact form.

MagHub is the most updated CRM/ERP Tool for Media Publishers of all sizes. Whether you manage B2B, B2C, or Niche publications, MagHub has all the tools needed to run every department of your business; from Sales to Production. Click Request Information to learn more today, or click One-Click Updates to follow MagHub.

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