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Aysling Team Spotlight: Dan Thurston

Aysling Team Spotlight: Dan Thurston

Dan ThurstonSoftware Engineer Much like our products; each member of our Aysling team has a unique feature or features that distinguishes themselves from everyone else. Today’s Aysling Team Spotlight is no different. Our early riser, video game guru, and...

Aysling Team Spotlight: Kathy Kuehling

Kathy KuehlingSupport Analyst “Always just a click away.”   Another day, another Aysling Team Spotlight, learn more about one of the individuals behind our support success. If you’ve ever experienced a challenge with a software platform you know...

Aysling Team Spotlight: Jennifer Ostman

Jennifer Ostman Art Director Creative Services for Publishers You might not know this (but you will now), but MagHub’s parent company, Aysling, offers creative, marketing, and other services to companies of all types; including publishers! Yes that’s...

Aysling Team Spotlight: Travis Spuller

Travis Spuller Senior Software Engineer Intern”Oh hi Mark.” School is back in session in Ann Arbor, and the University of Michigan Students are actively pursuing internships, while pondering their career opportunities. At Aysling we’re fortunate...