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Ad Blocking Is the Symptom

Yahoo recently unveiled a new feature, to the surprise of many of their email users. If you try logging in with an ad blocker installed, you will be prevented from viewing your emails. By doing this, Yahoo is addressing a real issue that will become more common....

Home Logo

Did you know? You can decide where to go just by clicking on the home company logo. So, if you spend most of your time in your Activity List, you can set the default ‘home logo’ to go straight to it. To set your home logo, simply go to My Preferences and...

Publishing is Now Non-Linear

Ever since the dawn of the written word, much of publishing has been linear. A clear beginning, middle, and end has provided the framework for content over the centuries. As books developed, indexes and codices allowed people to find content without having to...

Improving Ad Experience

In the last article, I discussed one potential form of monetization by making articles (and other media) commodities through micropayment systems across multiple platforms. Even if we assume that process takes off, I would argue that a “freemium” model...