(877) 297-5464 sales@adorbit.com

Browsing MagHub’s Website

Whether you are a first time visitor to the MagHub website or you have checked out our pages describing our magazine publishing software and our blog posts many times, there is a good chance you’ve missed a ton of great information: we do have a lot of pages, after...

Which Departments Use MagHub? All of Them!

It’s only natural: MagHub works so well as a sales CRM that when you decide to purchase our software system, your sales department probably is the first (only?) department that uses its. But MagHub can be used by your entire publishing enterprise: administration,...

Forecasting: Not Just for the Weather Anymore

You plan an outdoor party or barbecue and you no doubt check the weather forecast days ahead of time, right? You should do the same with your sales – forecast them. After all, a rainy day ruins….a day. If you miss in your sales forecasting you could lose….your media...

Implementation is Key

Let’s predict that you’ve decided that MagHub is everything you could want in an ERP and CRM for publishers. But let’s also assume that you’re a tad…nervous: how difficult, annoying and/or lengthy and full of problems will the MagHub onboarding process be? Plus, how...